last two years prior to the UAL course I studied a BTEC Level 3 Extended
Diploma in Photography, also at Weston College. This made me realise how much I
loved photography and gave me the starting point fuelling my ambitions and
curiosity. Starting the foundation course, I knew I had Photomedia as a preferred pathway choice
and I also wanted to take the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques
within art that I hadn’t used before. Part 1 and Part 2 of the course has
allowed me to do so. In the Fine Art option, I learnt how to transfer 2D work
into 3D and using repeated patterns. The Visual Communication option allowed me
to explore collage through photography. I have found that I am still drawn to
photography and doing this course has really opened my eyes to how much I enjoy
this subject.
Project Concept
For my FMP I will be
looking into idea of a sense of place where I will be investigating people’s
memories and capturing that memory within a photo. I plan getting people to
talk about their memories of a place, take quotes from them and use them within
the exhibition. This creates an opportunity to
see how I can capture and portray this memory in a single photograph. I also want to
investigate the experience of a place through looking at the term Genius
Loci. The meaning of Genius Loci has changed through the ages and I
aim to investigate how it has changed from looking at appreciation of a classic
landscape to the feeling or atmosphere any landscape and place can hold.
aim to investigate photography and literature through artists’ work, which will
allow to expand my theme further. I plan on looking into Mike Deere as he has
links to the idea of a ‘sense of place’ and he also use landscapes, which I am
drawn towards within this project.
plan to use audio recording as a recording tool with my subjects, to ensure I
can keep coming back to their memories, get the quotes in their words etc. This
might have a part within my exhibition, matching their audio quotation with the
photography output.
The materials and physical
resources that will be required for this project will mainly be photographic or
moving image equipment, both analogue and digital cameras. I have decided to use film photography and
want to experiment with different formats such as medium format and silver
based processes. I might use digital cameras as a backup/ addition.
I will be documenting
each stage of this project on my blog to ensure that nothing is forgotten or
left out. I will also be having regular tutorials to make sure I stay on target
for my FMP but also to ensure I can get the right advice when needed. I will
also use the people on my course for feedback throughout this project though
peer assessments.
All work, experiments and development will be
dated on my blog to show the journey of my project and how it’s adapted along
the way.