Monday, 5 June 2017

Richard Long

Richard Long is a sculptor that creates temporary piece. I’ve decided to look into his work as it pays with the idea of a connection with a place, though temporary it brings out a feeling to the place even if you haven’t been there it will always have the memory and something left from years after.

I heard that Ricard had a piece of work at the Bristol downs so I decided I would go and try and find it, sadly it had been a couple of years since the exhibition and it had been removed because of the area it was in, I was planning on taking photos of his work on a 120 film camera, A 35 film camera and my digital camera. I chose to look at all three cameras to test out the different qualities of each film. When I turned up at the downs I didn’t know where exactly the sculpture was so I walked up and down the field, looking at past photos of the work to try and find the area, but sadly was unable to find it or there was a chance it would not be there anymore.
When looking into Richards work I found one of his books ‘Mirage’ this book a photobook which archives his work. This book shows his work in a new light for me and gives this connection to my own work and radiates the feeling of Genius Loci, as it gives of a very spiritual presence, makes you want to stop time and just observe and energy and art around you. I find myself looking at his work and being in awe of the surroundings around the art as well as the art itself and the harmony that’s created with the natural surroundings and the man made surrounding he creates.

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